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Saturday, August 22, 2015

ISM unit 3 question bank answers 66-70


66. List the most commonly logged types of information and their potential benefits.

The following lists some of the most commonly logged types of information and the potential benefits of each:

Client requests and server responses,

which can be very helpful in reconstructing sequences of events and determining their apparent outcome. If the application logs successful user authentications, it is usually possible to determine which user made each request. Some applications can perform highly detailed logging, such as e-mail servers recording the sender, recipients, subject name, and attachment names for each e-mail; Web servers recording each URL requested and the type of response provided by the server; and business applications recording which financial records were accessed by each user. This information can be used to identify or investigate incidents and to monitor application usage for compliance and auditing purposes.

Account information
such as successful and failed authentication attempts, account changes (e.g., account creation and deletion, account privilege assignment), and use of privileges. In addition to identifying security events such as brute force password guessing and escalation of privileges, it can be used to identify who has used the application and when each person has used it.

Usage information
such as the number of transactions occurring in a certain period (e.g., minute, hour) and the size of transactions (e.g., e-mail message size, file transfer size). This can be useful for certain types of security monitoring (e.g., a ten-fold increase in e-mail activity might indicate a new e-mail–borne malware threat; an unusually large outbound e-mail message might indicate inappropriate release of information).

Significant operational actions
such as application startup and shutdown, application failures, and major application configuration changes. This can be used to identify security compromises and operational failures.

Much of this information, particularly for applications that are not used through unencrypted network communications, can only be logged by the applications, which makes application logs particularly valuable for application-related security incidents, auditing, and compliance efforts. However, these logs are often in proprietary formats that make them more difficult to use, and the data they contain is often highly context-dependent, necessitating more resources to review their contents.

67. State & explain the common log management infrastructure functions.

Log management infrastructures typically perform several functions that assist in the storage, analysis, and disposal of log data. These functions are normally performed in such a way that they do not alter the original logs.The following items describe common log management infrastructure functions:

– Log parsing is extracting data from a log so that the parsed values can be used as input for another logging process. A simple example of parsing is reading a text-based log file that contains 10 comma-separated values per line and extracting the 10 values from each line. Parsing is performed as part of many other logging functions, such as log conversion and log viewing

– Event filtering is the suppression of log entries from analysis, reporting, or long-term storage because their characteristics indicate that they are unlikely to contain information of interest. For example, duplicate entries and standard informational entries might be filtered because they do not provide useful information to log analysts. Typically, filtering does not affect the generation or short-term storage of events because it does not alter the original log files.

– In event aggregation, similar entries are consolidated into a single entry containing a count of the number of occurrences of the event. For example, a thousand entries that each record part of a scan could be aggregated into a single entry that indicates how many hosts were scanned. Aggregation is often performed as logs are originally generated (the generator counts similar related events and periodically writes a log entry containing the count), and it can also be performed as part of log reduction or event correlation processes, which are described below.

– Log rotation is closing a log file and opening a new log file when the first file is considered to be complete. Log rotation is typically performed according to a schedule (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) or when a log file reaches a certain size. The primary benefits of log rotation are preserving log entries and keeping the size of log files manageable. When a log file is rotated, the preserved log file can be compressed to save space. Also, during log rotation, scripts are often run that act on the archived log. For example, a script might analyze the old log to identify malicious activity, or might perform filtering that causes only log entries meeting certain characteristics to be preserved. Many log generators offer log rotation capabilities; many log files can also be rotated through simple scripts or third-party utilities, which in some cases offer features not provided by the log generators.

– Log archival is retaining logs for an extended period of time, typically on removable media, a storage area network (SAN), or a specialized log archival appliance or server. Logs often need to be preserved to meet legal or regulatory requirements. There are two types of log archival: retention and preservation. Log retention is archiving logs on a regular basis as part of standard operational activities. Log preservation is keeping logs that normally would be discarded, because they contain records of activity of particular interest. Log preservation is typically performed in support of incident handling or investigations.

– Log compression is storing a log file in a way that reduces the amount of storage space needed for the file without altering the meaning of its contents. Log compression is often performed when logs are rotated or archived.

– Log reduction is removing unneeded entries from a log to create a new log that is smaller. A similar process is event reduction, which removes unneeded data fields from all log entries. Log and event reduction are often performed in conjunction with log archival so that only the log entries and data fields of interest are placed into long-term storage.

– Log conversion is parsing a log in one format and storing its entries in a second format. For example, conversion could take data from a log stored in a database and save it in an XML format in a text file. Many log generators can convert their own logs to another format; third-party conversion utilities are also available. Log conversion sometimes includes actions such as filtering, aggregation, and normalization.

– In log normalization, each log data field is converted to a particular data representation and categorized consistently. One of the most common uses of normalization is storing dates and times in a single format. For example, one log generator might store the event time in a twelve-hour format (2:34:56 P.M. EDT) categorized as Timestamp, while another log generator might store it in twenty-four (14:34) format categorized as Event Time, with the time zone stored in different notation (-0400) in a different field categorized as Time Zone.24 Normalizing the data makes analysis and reporting much easier when multiple log formats are in use. However, normalization can be very resource-intensive, especially for complex log entries (e.g., typical intrusion detection logs)

– Log file integrity checking involves calculating a message digest for each file and storing the message digest securely to ensure that changes to archived logs are detected. A message digest is a digital signature that uniquely identifies data and has the property that changing a single bit in the data causes a completely different message digest to be generated. The most commonly used message digest algorithms are MD5 and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). If the log file is modified and its message digest is recalculated, it will not match the original message digest, indicating that the file has been altered. The original message digests should be protected from alteration through FIPS-approved encryption algorithms, storage on read-only media, or other suitable means.

– Event correlation is finding relationships between two or more log entries. The most common form of event correlation is rule-based correlation, which matches multiple log entries from a single source or multiple sources based on logged values, such as timestamps, IP addresses, and event types. Event correlation can also be performed in other ways, such as using statistical methods or visualization tools. If correlation is performed through automated methods, generally the result of successful correlation is a new log entry that brings together the pieces of information into a single place. Depending on the nature of that information, the infrastructure might also generate an alert to indicate that the identified event needs further investigation.

– Log viewing is displaying log entries in a human-readable format. Most log generators provide some sort of log viewing capability; third-party log viewing utilities are also available. Some log viewers provide filtering and aggregation capabilities.

– Log reporting is displaying the results of log analysis. Log reporting is often performed to summarize significant activity over a particular period of time or to record detailed information related to a particular event or series of events.

– Log clearing is removing all entries from a log that precede a certain date and time. Log clearing is often performed to remove old log data that is no longer needed on a system because it is not of importance or it has been archived.

A log management infrastructure usually encompasses most or all of the functions described in this section. . The placement of some of the log functions among the three tiers of the log management infrastructure depends primarily on the type of log management software used. Log management infrastructures are typically based on one of the two major categories of log management software: syslog-based centralized logging software and security information and event management software.

68. What are the various types of network & host based security software.

Common types of network-based and host-based security software include the following:

Antimalware Software.
The most common form of antimalware software is antivirus software, which typically records all instances of detected malware, file and system disinfection attempts, and file quarantines. Additionally, antivirus software might also record when malware scans were performed and when antivirus signature or software updates occurred. Antispyware software and other types of antimalware software (e.g., rootkit detectors) are also common sources of security information.

Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems.
Intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems record detailed information on suspicious behavior and detected attacks, as well as any actions intrusion prevention systems performed to stop malicious activity in progress. Some intrusion detection systems, such as file integrity checking software, run periodically instead of continuously, so they generate log entries in batches instead of on an ongoing basis.

Remote Access Software.
Remote access is often granted and secured through virtual private networking (VPN). VPN systems typically log successful and failed login attempts, as well as the dates and times each user connected and disconnected, and the amount of data sent and received in each user session. VPN systems that support granular access control, such as many Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPNs, may log detailed information about the use of resources

Web Proxies. 
Web proxies are intermediate hosts through which Web sites are accessed. Web proxies make Web page requests on behalf of users, and they cache copies of retrieved Web pages to make additional accesses to those pages more efficient. Web proxies can also be used to restrict Web access and to add a layer of protection between Web clients and Web servers. Web proxies often keep a record of all URLs accessed through them.

Vulnerability Management Software.
Vulnerability management software, which includes patch management software and vulnerability assessment software, typically logs the patch installation history and vulnerability status of each host, which includes known vulnerabilities and missing software updates. Vulnerability management software may also record additional information about hosts’ configurations. Vulnerability management software typically runs occasionally, not continuously, and is likely to generate large batches of log entries.

Authentication Servers.
Authentication servers, including directory servers and single sign-on servers, typically log each authentication attempt, including its origin, username, success or failure, and date and time.

Routers may be configured to permit or block certain types of network traffic based on a policy. Routers that block traffic are usually configured to log only the most basic characteristics of blocked activity.

Like routers, firewalls permit or block activity based on a policy; however, firewalls use much more sophisticated methods to examine network traffic. Firewalls can also track the state of network traffic and perform content inspection. Firewalls tend to have more complex policies and generate more detailed logs of activity than routers.

Network Quarantine Servers. 
Some organizations check each remote host’s security posture before allowing it to join the network. This is often done through a network quarantine server and agents placed on each host. Hosts that do not respond to the server’s checks or that fail the checks are quarantined on a separate virtual local area network (VLAN) segment. Network quarantine servers log information about the status of checks, including which hosts were quarantined and for what reasons.

69. What are the challenges in log management?

Most organizations face similar log management-related challenges, which have the same underlying problem: effectively balancing a limited amount of log management resources with an ever-increasing supply of log data. This section discusses the most common types of challenges, divided into three groups. First, there are several potential problems with the initial generation of logs because of their variety and prevalence. Second, the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of generated logs could be breached inadvertently or intentionally. Finally, the people responsible for performing log analysis are often inadequately prepared and supported.

Log Generation and Storage
In a typical organization, many hosts’ OSs, security software, and other applications generate and store logs. This complicates log management in the following ways:

Many Log Sources.
Logs are located on many hosts throughout the organization, necessitating log management to be performed throughout the organization. Also, a single log source can generate multiple logs for example, an application storing authentication attempts in one log and network activity in another log.

Inconsistent Log Content.
Each log source records certain pieces of information in its log entries, such as host IP addresses and usernames. For efficiency, log sources often record only the pieces of information that they consider most important. This can make it difficult to link events recorded by different log sources because they may not have any common values recorded (e.g., source 1 records the source IP address but not the username, and source 2 records the username but not the source IP address). Each type of log source may also represent values differently; these differences may be slight, such as one date being in MMDDYYYY format and another being in MM-DD-YYYY format, or they may be much more complex, such as use of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) being identified by name in one log (“FTP”) and by port number in another log (21). This further complicates the process of linking events recorded by different log sources

Inconsistent Timestamps.
Each host that generates logs typically references its internal clock when setting a timestamp for each log entry. If a host’s clock is inaccurate, the timestamps in its logs will also be inaccurate. This can make analysis of logs more difficult, particularly when logs from multiple hosts are being analyzed. For example, timestamps might indicate that event A happened 45 seconds before event B, when event A actually happened two minutes after event B.

Inconsistent Log Formats.
Many of the log source types use different formats for their logs, such as comma-separated or tab-separated text files, databases, syslog, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and binary files. Some logs are designed for humans to read, while others are not; some logs use standard formats, while others use proprietary formats. Some logs are created not for local storage in a file, but for transmission to another system for processing; a common example of this is SNMP traps. For some output formats, particularly text files, there are many possibilities for the sequence of the values in each log entry and the delimiters between the values (e.g., comma-separated values, tab-delimited values, XML)

Log Protection

Because logs contain records of system and network security, they need to be protected from breaches of their confidentiality and integrity. For example, logs might intentionally or inadvertently capture sensitive information such as users’ passwords and the content of e-mails. This raises security and privacy concerns involving both the individuals that review the logs and others that might be able to access the logs through authorized or unauthorized means. Logs that are secured improperly in storage or in transit might also be susceptible to intentional and unintentional alteration and destruction. This could cause a variety of impacts, including allowing malicious activities to go unnoticed and manipulating evidence to conceal the identity of a malicious party. For example, many rootkits are specifically designed to alter logs to remove any evidence of the rootkits’ installation or execution.

Organizations also need to protect the availability of their logs. Many logs have a maximum size, such as storing the 10,000 most recent events, or keeping 100 megabytes of log data. When the size limit is reached, the log might overwrite old data with new data or stop logging altogether, both of which would cause a loss of log data availability. To meet data retention requirements, organizations might need to keep copies of log files for a longer period of time than the original log sources can support, which necessitates establishing log archival processes. Because of the volume of logs, it might be appropriate in some cases to reduce the logs by filtering out log entries that do not need to be archived. The confidentiality and integrity of the archived logs also need to be protected.

Log Analysis

Within most organizations, network and system administrators have traditionally been responsible for performing log analysis studying log entries to identify events of interest. It has often been treated as a low-priority task by administrators and management because other duties of administrators, such as handling operational problems and resolving security vulnerabilities, necessitate rapid responses. Administrators who are responsible for performing log analysis often receive no training on doing it efficiently and effectively, particularly on prioritization. Also, administrators often do not receive tools that are effective at automating much of the analysis process, such as scripts and security software tools (e.g., host-based intrusion detection products, security information and event management software). Many of these tools are particularly helpful in finding patterns that humans cannot easily see, such as correlating entries from multiple logs that relate to the same event. Another problem is that many administrators consider log analysis to be boring and to provide little benefit for the amount of time required. Log analysis is often treated as reactive something to be done after a problem has been identified through other means rather than proactive, to identify ongoing activity and look for signs of impending problems. Traditionally, most logs have not been analyzed in a real-time or near-real-time manner. Without sound processes for analyzing logs, the value of the logs is significantly reduced

70. Explain log management infrastructure.

A log management infrastructure consists of the hardware, software, networks, and media used to generate, transmit, store, analyze, and dispose of log data. Most organizations have one or more log management infrastructures. This section describes the typical architecture of a log management infrastructure and how its components interact with each other. It then describes the basic functions performed within a log management infrastructure. Next, it examines the two major categories of log management software: syslog-based centralized logging software and security information and event management software. The section also describes additional types of software that may be useful within a log management infrastructure.

A log management infrastructure typically comprises the following three tiers:

Log Generation.
The first tier contains the hosts that generate the log data. Some hosts run logging client applications or services that make their log data available through networks to log servers in the second tier. Other hosts make their logs available through other means, such as allowing the servers to authenticate to them and retrieve copies of the log files.

Log Analysis and Storage.
The second tier is composed of one or more log servers that receive log data or copies of log data from the hosts in the first tier. The data is transferred to the servers either in a real-time or near-real-time manner, or in occasional batches based on a schedule or the amount of log data waiting to be transferred. Servers that receive log data from multiple log generators are sometimes called collectors or aggregators. Log data may be stored on the log servers themselves or on separate database servers

Log Monitoring. 
The third tier contains consoles that may be used to monitor and review log data and the results of automated analysis. Log monitoring consoles can also be used to generate reports. In some log management infrastructures, consoles can also be used to provide management for the log servers and clients. Also, console user privileges sometimes can be limited to only the necessary functions and data sources for each user.

Log management infrastructures typically perform several functions that assist in the storage, analysis, and disposal of log data. These functions are normally performed in such a way that they do not alter the original logs.The following items describe common log management infrastructure functions:

– Log parsing is extracting data from a log so that the parsed values can be used as input for another logging process. A simple example of parsing is reading a text-based log file that contains 10 comma-separated values per line and extracting the 10 values from each line. Parsing is performed as part of many other logging functions, such as log conversion and log viewing

– Event filtering is the suppression of log entries from analysis, reporting, or long-term storage because their characteristics indicate that they are unlikely to contain information of interest. For example, duplicate entries and standard informational entries might be filtered because they do not provide useful information to log analysts. Typically, filtering does not affect the generation or short-term storage of events because it does not alter the original log files.

– In event aggregation, similar entries are consolidated into a single entry containing a count of the number of occurrences of the event. For example, a thousand entries that each record part of a scan could be aggregated into a single entry that indicates how many hosts were scanned. Aggregation is often performed as logs are originally generated (the generator counts similar related events and periodically writes a log entry containing the count), and it can also be performed as part of log reduction or event correlation processes, which are described below.

– Log rotation is closing a log file and opening a new log file when the first file is considered to be complete. Log rotation is typically performed according to a schedule (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) or when a log file reaches a certain size. The primary benefits of log rotation are preserving log entries and keeping the size of log files manageable. When a log file is rotated, the preserved log file can be compressed to save space. Also, during log rotation, scripts are often run that act on the archived log. For example, a script might analyze the old log to identify malicious activity, or might perform filtering that causes only log entries meeting certain characteristics to be preserved. Many log generators offer log rotation capabilities; many log files can also be rotated through simple scripts or third-party utilities, which in some cases offer features not provided by the log generators.

– Log archival is retaining logs for an extended period of time, typically on removable media, a storage area network (SAN), or a specialized log archival appliance or server. Logs often need to be preserved to meet legal or regulatory requirements. There are two types of log archival: retention and preservation. Log retention is archiving logs on a regular basis as part of standard operational activities. Log preservation is keeping logs that normally would be discarded, because they contain records of activity of particular interest. Log preservation is typically performed in support of incident handling or investigations.

– Log compression is storing a log file in a way that reduces the amount of storage space needed for the file without altering the meaning of its contents. Log compression is often performed when logs are rotated or archived.

– Log reduction is removing unneeded entries from a log to create a new log that is smaller. A similar process is event reduction, which removes unneeded data fields from all log entries. Log and event reduction are often performed in conjunction with log archival so that only the log entries and data fields of interest are placed into long-term storage.

– Log conversion is parsing a log in one format and storing its entries in a second format. For example, conversion could take data from a log stored in a database and save it in an XML format in a text file. Many log generators can convert their own logs to another format; third-party conversion utilities are also available. Log conversion sometimes includes actions such as filtering, aggregation, and normalization.

– In log normalization, each log data field is converted to a particular data representation and categorized consistently. One of the most common uses of normalization is storing dates and times in a single format. For example, one log generator might store the event time in a twelve-hour format (2:34:56 P.M. EDT) categorized as Timestamp, while another log generator might store it in twenty-four (14:34) format categorized as Event Time, with the time zone stored in different notation (-0400) in a different field categorized as Time Zone.24 Normalizing the data makes analysis and reporting much easier when multiple log formats are in use. However, normalization can be very resource-intensive, especially for complex log entries (e.g., typical intrusion detection logs)

– Log file integrity checking involves calculating a message digest for each file and storing the message digest securely to ensure that changes to archived logs are detected. A message digest is a digital signature that uniquely identifies data and has the property that changing a single bit in the data causes a completely different message digest to be generated. The most commonly used message digest algorithms are MD5 and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). If the log file is modified and its message digest is recalculated, it will not match the original message digest, indicating that the file has been altered. The original message digests should be protected from alteration through FIPS-approved encryption algorithms, storage on read-only media, or other suitable means.

– Event correlation is finding relationships between two or more log entries. The most common form of event correlation is rule-based correlation, which matches multiple log entries from a single source or multiple sources based on logged values, such as timestamps, IP addresses, and event types. Event correlation can also be performed in other ways, such as using statistical methods or visualization tools. If correlation is performed through automated methods, generally the result of successful correlation is a new log entry that brings together the pieces of information into a single place. Depending on the nature of that information, the infrastructure might also generate an alert to indicate that the identified event needs further investigation.

– Log viewing is displaying log entries in a human-readable format. Most log generators provide some sort of log viewing capability; third-party log viewing utilities are also available. Some log viewers provide filtering and aggregation capabilities.

– Log reporting is displaying the results of log analysis. Log reporting is often performed to summarize significant activity over a particular period of time or to record detailed information related to a particular event or series of events.

– Log clearing is removing all entries from a log that precede a certain date and time. Log clearing is often performed to remove old log data that is no longer needed on a system because it is not of importance or it has been archived.

A log management infrastructure usually encompasses most or all of the functions described in this section. . The placement of some of the log functions among the three tiers of the log management infrastructure depends primarily on the type of log management software used. Log management infrastructures are typically based on one of the two major categories of log management software: syslog-based centralized logging software and security information and event management software.

Syslog-Based Centralized Logging Software

Syslog Format
Syslog assigns a priority to each message based on the importance of the following two attributes:

Message type, known as a facility.  Examples of facilities include kernel messages, mail system messages, authorization messages, printer messages, and audit messages.

Severity.  Each log message has a severity value assigned, from 0 (emergency) to 7 (debug).

Syslog Security
Implementations based on RFC 3195 can support log confidentiality, integrity, and availability through several features, including the following:

Reliable Log Delivery.  Several syslog implementations support the use of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in addition to UDP.  TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that attempts to ensure the reliable delivery of information across networks.  Using TCP helps to ensure that log entries reach their destination.  Having this reliability requires the use of more network bandwidth; also, it typically takes more time for log entries to reach their destination.

Transmission Confidentiality Protection.  RFC 3195 recommends the use of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to protect the confidentiality of transmitted syslog messages.32  TLS can protect the messages during their entire transit between hosts.  TLS can only protect the payloads of packets, not their IP headers, which means that an observer on the network can identify the source and destination of transmitted syslog messages, possibly revealing the IP addresses of the syslog servers and log sources.  Some syslog implementations use other means to encrypt network traffic, such as passing syslog messages through secure shell (SSH) tunnels.  Protecting syslog transmissions can require additional network bandwidth and increase the time needed for log entries to reach their destination.

Transmission Integrity Protection and Authentication.  RFC 3195 recommends that if integrity protection and authentication are desired, that a message digest algorithm be used.  RFC 3195 recommends the use of MD5; proposed revisions to RFC 3195 mention the use of SHA-1.

Security Information and Event Management Software

Most SIEM products support two ways of collecting logs from log generators:

The SIEM server receives data from the individual log generating hosts without needing to have any special software installed on those hosts.  Some servers pull logs from the hosts, which is usually done by having the server authenticate to each host and retrieve its logs regularly.  In other cases, the hosts push their logs to the server, which usually involves each host authenticating to the server and transferring its logs regularly.  Regardless of whether the logs are pushed or pulled, the server then performs event filtering and aggregation and log normalization and analysis on the collected logs

An agent program is installed on the log generating host to perform event filtering and aggregation and log normalization for a particular type of log, then transmit the normalized log data to an SIEM server, usually on a real-time or near-real-time basis for analysis and storage.  If a host has multiple types of logs of interest, then it might be necessary to install multiple agents.  Some SIEM products also offer agents for generic formats such as syslog and SNMP.  A generic agent is used primarily to get log data from a source for which a format-specific agent and an agentless method are not available.  Some products also allow administrators to create custom agents to handle unsupported log sources.

Additional Types of Log Management Software

Other types of software may also be helpful for log management, including the following:

Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).  
A host-based IDS monitors the characteristics of a single host and the events occurring within the host for suspicious activity.  Many host-based IDS products monitor hosts’ OS, security software, and application logs.  Some host-based IDS products use logs as only one of several sources of data in detecting suspicious activity, while other host-based IDS products monitor logs only.  Generally, a host-based IDS that uses log data has signatures for known malicious activity that it matches against log entries to identify events of interest.  However, such products often focus on the OS logs and the most common security software and applications, and offer little or no support for less common software.

Visualization Tools.  
A visualization tool presents security event data in a graphical format.  For example, a tool could display data grouped or sorted by the values of different event characteristics, such as source address.  An analyst can then look for patterns in the display and manipulate it, such as suppressing known benign activity so that only unknown events are shown.  Visualization tools can be very effective for analyzing certain types of log data, such as showing the sequence of events that occurred in an attack involving several hosts.  Many SIEM products have built-in visualization tools.  Third-party tools can also be added to log management infrastructures that lack them, but they may be more challenging to use than built-in tools.  Importing data into a third-party tool and displaying it is usually relatively straightforward, but learning how to use the tool efficiently to reduce large datasets down to a few events of interest can take considerable effort.

Log Rotation Utilities.
Administrators can use specialized third-party utilities for rotating logs.  These can be helpful for improving log management for log sources that do not offer sufficiently robust log rotation capabilities or any capability at all.

Log Conversion Utilities.
Many software vendors offer log conversion utilities that can be used to convert their proprietary format logs into standard formats.  These utilities are helpful in incorporating data from less common log sources into a log management infrastructure, such as when an SIEM product does not offer support for a particular log format.  Log conversion utilities are also helpful when a syslog-based log management infrastructure is being used and one or more log generators cannot log directly to syslog.

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